Tag: Porter

Updated on September 11, 2016
Lost in the Aether
Aether Brewing… the very name evokes something that is without shape or substance, lost in thin air, in the void without a location. I’ve been hearing the name for a while now. There have been whispers aplenty—“PsstpsstnewcraftbrewerypsstpsstMilton psstpsstRailwayTerracepsstpsstwatchoutXXXXpsstpsst”—but …
Posted on January 27, 2016
Newstead Brewing played a crafty trick on me
I accidentally had a carefree night drinking beer the other night. It wasn’t the plan. It just sort of snuck up on me. I’ve had a mixed sixpack of Newstead Brewing beers sitting on my shelf for a …
Updated on August 27, 2015
Impulse buy: 4 Pines Baltic Porter
I’m not usually an impulse buyer. But when I walked past a bottle shop on Tuesday and saw them advertising 4 Pines Baltic Porter, I couldn’t resist. It’s one of 4 Pines’ Keller Door limited releases, and it’s …