Tag: IPA

My mum used to always tell me to 'go outside', like that would make me healthier. Beerunch proves her wrong.


Everyone loves brunch.* I mean, what’s not to love? Breakfast? Excellent! Hash browns! Bread! Avocado! Coffee! Lunch? Awesome! Don’t have to wake up early! More savouries! Bread! Bring them together? Somehow blueberry muffins, bruschetta and brunch pizza (?!) …

"If you haven't tasted them side by side, your opinion is invalid."

How To Be A Craft Beer Jerk In 5 Easy Steps

So: you’ve been drinking craft beer for a while now, frequenting craft beer bars, getting to know other craft beer drinkers, and you’re ready for the next stage in your journey. You’re ready to try your hand at …

Ballistic Beer Co - Malt & Hops

Super Cellar Door: Ballistic, Sexy and Ferocious

Lock and load, Brisbane Southsiders—there may finally be a reason for people to come over to your side of the river. (I can just feel all the angry Southsiders blowing up at me as they read this.) You’ve …

Birthday Cheer and a Year of Beer.

It’s my birthday today. And since I missed Schoonerversity’s birthday (it was sometime in June, I think), I figured I’d do a little post on my actual birthday. A glance back at beer over the last year. Like …

Beer InCider Festival - Craft beer, cider, food, and music.

An InCider’s opinion on a Brisbane craft beer festival

The clouds gathered over Albion Park Raceway, threatening a storm of Noahic proportions. But although not a drop of rain fell from the sky, there was indeed a downpour as the punters flooded in through the gates, and …